Carly Cate
Working for Esse since August 2017, Carly creates social media content for the museum and store. Employed full time as a writing and literature instructor at Henderson State University, she appreciates the opportunity to write creatively about women’s history and especially fashion. “When a patron is truly excited to not only see the museum but also learn about the history, I LOVE that. Likewise, when they find that perfect handbag or accessory in Esse’s store and just go for it, I’m right there, living vicariously through that purchase and thinking, ‘Go you! You deserve that!’ (Or more accurately, saying that aloud while clapping my hands and doing a happy dance…)”
When she’s not writing blogs or snapping photos of customers, Carly is grading stacks of papers, binge-watching series with her husband Marck and five pets or perfecting her craft- budget-conscious fashion maven.